
The Center for the Advancement of Instruction in Quantitative Reasoning (CAIQR) was established by the Office of the Chancellor in Fall of 2016 as recommended by the Academic Senate of the California State University Quantitative Reasoning Task Force (QRTF). CAIQR is tasked to continuously support the high-quality instruction and curriculum in the high schools, community colleges, and public universities that will better serve the state of California and the U.S. It also will highlight strategies to enhance the skills of CSU students in quantitative reasoning that they will rely on after graduation.

Quantitative Reasoning Requirement

The California State University (CSU) is committed to ensuring that all Californians have the opportunity to earn a high-quality college degree. The CSU made a recommendation to the Board of Trustees that would require incoming high school students, beginning with the entering freshman class of 2027, to complete one year of quantitative reasoning. This requirement could be fulfilled by coursework in mathematics, science, or an elective course with a quantitative reasoning foundation. This recommendation, originally proposed by CSU faculty, is supported by a growing body of research linking quantitative reasoning preparation with college success, especially benefitting low-income and historically underrepresented students. Additional quantitative reasoning preparation expands opportunities for all students—especially underrepresented minority students—to pursue degrees in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields, areas where these students are disproportionally underrepresented.

After discussions during July 2019, August 2019, September 2019, and November 2019 BOT meetings, the Board approved this change in the admission requirement at its’ January 2020 board meeting, with a phased implementation and Title 5 change by spring 2022 to be effective fall 2027. Additionally, the Chancellor shall submit to the Board a progress report in March 2021 and a final report by January 2022 that includes:

  • a third-party independent analysis of the planned implementation and potential impact of the proposed requirement on high school student’s application to the CSU
  • the progress on doubling the number of STEM-qualified teachers annually prepared by the CSU
  • clarity of the charge, role, and composition of a steering committee that reports to the EVC of Academic and Student Affairs
  • clarity on exemptions for students whose public schools do not provide sufficient courses
  • the progress on increasing outreach and awareness of the proposed requirement with schools, counselors, and families

The CAIQR continues to work on increasing the ranks of STEM Teachers. To date, both MRWC (Pomona) and TQR/QRAT (Sacramento) have continued their professional training for secondary mathematics teachers. These teachers will now be eligible to teach a 4th-year mathematics course other than mathematical analysis and calculus. DMPS (San Diego), a discrete mathematics course, has been developed and approved as a “c” course; this will complement their 4th year DM course. TCMS (Northridge) has now expanded its course to other districts to have a 4th-year course in statistics. Finally, four campuses (Dominguez Hills, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Francisco) are now developing online programs for the Supplementary Authorization in Computer Science.

Quantitative Reasoning Courses

Assessing the Impact of CSU’s Quantitative Reasoning Proposal

In January of 2020, the CSU Board approved an action that took into consideration concerns expressed by external stakeholders regarding the CSU’s quantitative reasoning proposal. The approved action can be read in the Wednesday, January 29, AgendaThis link will open a PDF file. (pdf).